James Duddridge: Views on Climate Change


Mr Denis Walker

21st April 2010

Dear Mr Walker,
Thank you for contacting me about my views on climate change.
My Party and I are acutely aware of the threat posed to our way of life, our economy and both our local and global environment from climate change. For this reason, Conservatives were the first Party to call for a Climate Change Bill and worked hard to improve the legislation as it made its way through Parliament. We continue to champion the cause.
Conservatives also recognise the impact that promoting carbon reduction can have at a local level will have on tackling climate change and helping britain in the shift towards a low-carbon economy. [sic] We now have an opportunity to rebuild our economy on more sustainable foundations, rather than a housing boom or an over-reliance on the financial services sector.
The UK has set domestic greenhouse gas reduction targets that are considered appropriate for Britain to play its part in keeping warming below the threshold.
We have always declared our intention to follow closely the advice of the Committee on Climate Change and have supported all of their recommendations on carbon budgeting so far, including setting a provisional target of 34 per cent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2020.
You can be confident that, if elected, a Conservative government would continue to lead Britain to a low carbon economy and ensure that the UK uses its global influence to secure an effective international climate change agreement.
Once again, thank you for taking the time to contact me.
Yours sincerely
James Duddridge

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