- Housekeeping
- Apologies for absence
- Minutes of last meeting
- Next meeting
- FoE Partnership Agreement
- Co-ordinator’s Report
- Campaign Updates
- Leigh Green Belt
- Forthcoming Events
(Meeting conducted by phone conference)
- Housekeeping:
- Apologies for absence:
Jon Fuller, Michael Downer, Peter Walker
Denis Walker, Gabrielle Yeadell, Maike Windhorst - Minutes of last meeting:
Approved - Next meeting:
13th December [This meeting was subsequently cancelled due to illness]
- Apologies for absence:
- Campaign Updates:
- SAEN/Aviation-related:
DW outlined the recent Plane Stupid/Climate Rush action at Southend Airport, details of which are available on the SAEN website.
MW mentioned that she has recently discovered spring onions and garlic are flown into the UK from China.
DW also mentioned John Stewart’s recent experience in being denied entry into the USA – details in the Huffington Post.
The JAAP is making a come-back now that the central pillar of it has been implemented prior to its approval. Rochford and Southend Councils are expected to launch phase 3 of consultation in the near future. More details as they emerge. - Leigh Green Belt:
A leaflet has now been printed for distribution to local residents calling for people to write to the Development Control Committee opposing the Havens planning application.
Recent coverage in the Echo has revealed Havens picked the Belton Way site before they even conducted their search of 80 possible sites.
- SAEN/Aviation-related:
- Forthcoming Events:
- 21/11 20:00 – SEEOG – Love Food, Hate Waste
Growing Together Community Gardens - 24/11 19:00 – Transition Drinks
Cricketers Pub, Westcliff - 10/12 19:30 – SAEN Quiz
St Laurence Church Hall
- 21/11 20:00 – SEEOG – Love Food, Hate Waste
- AOB:
- MW reminded the group of the campaign against the proposed Courtauld Road Mechanical & Biological Treatment plant (MBT). It is a damaging proposal that would cause a reduction in the amount of waste recycled in Essex.
- Following on from this, the meeting discussed the methods used by different local authorities for collection of garden and food waste.
- The Government’s proposal to reduce the Feed-in Tariff was briefly discussed. National FoE are currently working on this issue with a view to taking the Government to court.
- DW informed the meeting of progress on MARINET’s campaign for next year on the Common Fisheries Policy. More details on the MARINET website.
- It was agreed that using a phone conference for the meeting worked well.